Tuesday, March 3, 2009

San Telmo, Buenos Aires

San Telmo is a section of Buenos Aires which is especially famous for tango. It´s just outside the city centre, and we stayed here for 4 nights. But alas, we did not tango...instead, we did the reggae-tone beat til early hours of the morning in true Buenos Aires style for Jeb´s birthday. Buenos Aires really doesnt sleep and the action does not kick off til after midnight and in clubs it all starts happening about 3am. Gives a new meaning to the word siesta, and we have definitely settled into the routine of sleeping late as a result. Dinner also does not happen til after 9pm so an adjustment of the clock is necessary.

The drink of choice (ok, lets be honest...one of the drinks of choice) for the bday evening was Fernet which is a popular drink in these parts of the country. Medicinal tasting liquor, with a hint of mint and herbs and a strange aftertaste...the only thing i can compare to is jagermeister. But you drink this with Coke and people love it here. So when in rome...

On a Sunday in San Telmo, there are famous antique markets where people flock to snag a bargain and experience the area in its quaint glory. Antiques dont interest me much but it was cool to wander through the streets and check out very old chandeliers, paintings, vases, watches etc, and watch street perfomers and tango dancers do their stuff in the cobblestone streets.

Futbol is a phenomenom here in Argentina, and a item on our agenda, so Sunday we went to a Boca Juniors game which is the most popular team in the Argentinian leagure and home to the legendary Diego Maradona. The area of La Boca is actually very impoversihed and quite dangerous at night with some sketchy slums and favella areas. Tix are all reservered for members of the stadium and there are more members than tix. We had heard some horror stories of people getting robbed and riped off and i wasnt confident of my spanish to haggle with scalpers so we opted for a tour option where tix were guarenteed. Was truly an experience and the vivacious fans go absoultely nuts. A concrete stadioum felt like it was moving amid the continous cheers, songs, jumping and dancing. Very squishy and packed but dry at least considering it was pouring rain and alot of people werent so lucky being under cover. Boca won 3-1 with all the action happening in the last half...very cool, glad we got to experience one of the most craziest futbol teams in the world in their home stadium.

But enough of Buenes Aires...we felt like we had seen everything and wanted to get out of the main city. BA is great but with its European architecture and big city feel, we wanted to move on to more Andean and inigenous areas. So on a bus today to Rosario which is still a major city north west of BA, but we on the move north. The seats on the bus for this 4 hour trip were awesome and they were only a`semicama´. This means you gets snacks, lunch, your seat fully reclines with lots of space and it comfy. For the next class up and not much more money, you can fully lay flat in the bus and sleep like a baby. We are heading to Iguazu Falls on Thursday in this kinda seating which is greta becuase its about 18 hours or so.

Thats definitely enough from me now...ciao x

1 comment:

  1. How good is Reggaton?! You must've heard daddy Yankee by now (tho he's Puerto Rican).

    And my longest ever bus ride was 14hrs and I nearly lost my mind, so kudos for making the 18 hour commitment

    Estoy muy celosa - con cuidado guapos!
